

Ils s'offrent une baignade dans une eau à 8 degrés

Une soixantaine de baigneurs intrépides et déguisés ont fait trempette dimanche dans le Léman, à Nyon. Sous la pluie, ils ont nagé entre 5 à 7 minutes dans une eau à huit degrés à l'occasion de la «Fête des baigneurs».

People celebrate with glasses of champagne after swimming in the 8 degree cold water of the Lake Geneva, during the "Fete des baigneurs" traditional winter swim, in Nyon, Switzerland, Sunday, January 10, 2016. Around 60 swimmers took part at the winter traditional swim. (KEYSTONE/Cyril Zingaro).CYRIL ZINGARO/KEYSTONE



11 janvier 2016 à 01:33

  • Disguised people go swimming in the 8 degree cold water of the Lake Geneva, during the "Fete des baigneurs" traditional winter swim, in Nyon, Switzerland, Sunday, January 10, 2016. Around 60 swimmers took part at the winter traditional swim. (KEYSTONE/Cyril Zingaro).CYRIL ZINGARO/KEYSTONE
  • Disguised people swim in the 8 degree cold water of the Lake Geneva, during the "Fete des baigneurs" traditional winter swim, in Nyon, Switzerland, Sunday, January 10, 2016. Around 60 swimmers took part at the winter traditional swim. (KEYSTONE/Cyril Zingaro).CYRIL ZINGARO/KEYSTONE
  • Disguised people go swimming in the 8 degree cold water of the Lake Geneva, during the "Fete des baigneurs" traditional winter swim, in Nyon, Switzerland, Sunday, January 10, 2016. Around 60 swimmers took part at the winter traditional swim. (KEYSTONE/Cyril Zingaro).CYRIL ZINGARO/KEYSTONE

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